Monday, April 22, 2013

SQL DBA interview questions+ IBM

1.     What are tools that are used for backup and ticketing?

a.     Lite speed, BMC Remedy

2.     How to restore lite speed backup into sqlserver, is it possible to restore directly?

a.     That is not possible, because media type should be same.

3.     What is the difference between User and login?

a.     User is data base level and login is server level.

4.     How to add drive for cluster?

a.     Go to cluadmin

b.    Choose groups from left side

c.     Right click on add

d.    Choose drive which we want to add for existing cluster

5.     What is heart beat?     

6.     What are problems that you face for log shipping?

a.     Establish network tunnel

b.    Reduce transaction backup time from 30 min to 15 min.

7.     What is your backup strategy?

8.     What are the major differences between 2000 and 2005 in terms of security?

a.     Owner = Schema, hard to remove old users at times in 2000

b.    Schema is separate. Better granularity in easily controlling security. Logins can be authenticated by certificates. In 2005

c.     In 2000 there is no concept of synonyms, in 2005 it is introduced

d.    In 2000 there in policy based management, in 2008 it’s there.

9.     What are the steps for restoring data base?

a.     Go through the restore wizard in sql server management studio

10.  How to find deadlocks and how to resolve that?

a.     Just switch on the trace for 1204, 1222, 3605

b.    ex:DBCC Traceon(1204,1222,3505,-1)

11.  How to move logfile location from once drive to another drive?

a.     By attach and detach

12.  My log file is full how to solve it?

a.     By apply the shrink command

b.    Or by applying truncate command

13.  Can you tell some regular use of DBCC Commands?

a.     Dbcc checkdb()

b.    Dbcc showcontig()

c.     Dbcc dbreindex()

d.    Dbcc sqlperf()

e.     Dbcc traceon()

f.     Dbcc traceoff()

g.    Dbcc shrinkdatabase()

h.     Dbcc shrinkfile()

i.      Dbcc help()

j.      Dbcc ind()

k.     Dbcc checkident()

l.      Dbcc showfilestats()

m.   Dbcc inputbuffer()

n.     Dbcc outputbuffer()

o.    Dbcc log()

p.    Dbcc page(‘wowzzy’,1,945894,3)—check page is corrupted or not.

14.  What is importance of dbcc showcontig()?

















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